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CQ1 Benchtop High-Content Analysis System
*All-in-one Confocal Microscope

The CQ1 enables clear 3D imaging, object recognition, and rapid quantification of live cells and cell clusters.
Images linked to data help in the understanding and enhance the reliability of data.
The CQ1 live cell chamber acts as a cellular incubator enabling time lapse imaging while the CQ1 unique imaging technology is gentle on the cells.

Yokogawa CQ1 is an easy to use all-in-one confocal microscope for a reasonable price. CQ1 comes with a number of configurable options and can be integrated into a fully automated High content screening system.

Yokogawa-CQ1은 High-throughput 3D cell imaging이 가능한 All-in-one confocal microscope 입니다.
Yokogawa의 Microlens enhanced dual Nipkow disk 기술이 적용된 confocal unit 이 탑재되어 있어, 세포에 가해지는 damage를 최소화 하면서도 고해상도의 3D imaging이 가능합니다.
고정밀 stage incubator와 낮은 photo-toxicity를 통해 자동화된 time-lapse 및 live cell imaging이 가능합니다.

[Yokogawa korea]
[Yokogawa 대리점]
[HCS 장비]
[High Content Screening]
[High Content Screening 장비]
[High-Content 스크리닝]
[High-Content 스크리닝 장비]
[Confocal Quantitative Cytometer]
[Confocal imaging]
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Confocal Quantitative Image Cytometer (CQ1)


CQ1 Cell imaging system offers a new approach to High Content Screening 


Enables measurement of spheroids, colonies and tissue sections

● No need to remove cells from culture dish, in contrast to traditional flow-cytometry

 Nipkow spinning disk confocal technology allows high-speed 

    yet gentle 3D image acquisition

 Rich feature extraction to facilitate sophisticated cellular image analysis

 Wide field of view and tiling capability enable easy imaging of large specimen


Offers the similar operability to traditional flow cytometer

● Feature data and statistical graphs displayed in real-time with image acquisition

● Easy to trace back to the original image from a graph spot, and make repetitive measurements


Open platform

 Expandable to integrated system as image acquisition and quantification instrument

 FCS/CSV/ICE data format readable by third-party data analysis software

● Connectable with external systems via handling robot

● A variety of cell culture and sample dishes are applicable

Compact footprint, light weight bench-top device; no need for darkroom 


  •  3D measurement of spheroids

  3D Imaging : High-speed 3D slice imaging (Z-axis direction) of spheroids.

 Cell cycle analysis



Feature data 

Recognize each individual cell within a spheroid in 3D, to measure cell number and size. 

Heat-map display is possible depending on the data.

Chart display 

Display graphs such as scatter diagram or histogram, 

based on cell size or fluorescent intensity of expressed proteins.

Correlation between graph and image :

By clicking one spot on the graph, its corresponding image is shown.

Cell cycle analysis is widely used for research on cell growth or working mechanism of anti-cancer drug. 

By using DNA-binding fluorescent dyes, it is possible to judge the cell cycle from the data of nucleus area and total fluorescent intensity(indication of total amount of DNA). 

By clicking one spot on the histogram, its corresponding cell image is shown.

Cell growth judgment 

The whole view of one well of a 96 well plate can be captured as a single image by using a 2x objective lens. 

It is possible to rapidly judge cell growth in each well based on cell numbers or individual cell area, most useful when you change drug conditions or transgenes in each well.


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